Website Research


This is the home page of Slaves official page. The colours are simple, consisting of mainly yellow, black,red and blue. The home page design is the same as their new album's design, This is a form of promotion and instantly gets viewers interested in the band and their music. At the top of the page there is a page menu in black with white writing and red highlight over the page the viewer is on.  This is clear to see and stays the same on every page. In the top right hand corner there is a social media menu link. The social media's available are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, iTunes and Spotify. These links are on all pages within the website. 

On the Home page the user can scroll down and another page comes up. This page is not shown on the home screen and can only be accessed when scrolling down on the home page. On this page there re multiple little text boxes, some containing images or just text. This page shows updates on the band, for example where they are going/going to be, it has instagram posts and tweets they have made. It brings a personal touvh to the band and makes fans feel more connected with the band. 

This is the Live page of the Slaves  website. This page contains Upcoming music events and old music events the band have done. The upcoming page has a list of venues, dates and purchase options for tickets. On the Archive page, there is a list of the venues where they played previously and how many tickets they sold. 

On the Store menu button, there is a drop down option and the user can choose between Merch store or Music store. The merch store contains all the merch from the band, the main merch being promoted is the merch for the new album.  On the Music store, there is a list of all the songs they have published.

The last page on the menu within the Slaves website is Sign Up. On this page viewers are given the chance to sign up to get regular updates from the band and will get promo codes for the merch and become a part of the slaves fan base. 

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